Gaining full access to Crypto School allows you to utilize all the learning materials, resources, and community support the platform offers. Whether you're a beginner or just getting familiar with the platform, this guide will help you unlock full access and start your journey to becoming a crypto expert.
Step 1: Sign Up for your specific Crypto School course
For details on how to sign up refer to the How To: Sign Up For a Course help article.
Step 2: Sign Up for an Exchange
You'll need to sign up for one of the supported exchanges in your region, using the course-specific referral links provided.
For details on course specific referral links refer to the What are the Exchange / Sign Up links help article.
Step 3: Deposit Funds into your Exchange Account
Ensure you use the correct Exchange / Sign up link before you deposit.
Bitget - FUTURES account
Blofin - FUNDING account
Step 4: Unlock Course Content
You should have full access to all course materials, videos, and other resources available on the platform before the timer reaches 0:00:00.
Once your referral link and deposit are verified, your Crypto School course content will be unlocked.
Watch each lesson to completion to unlock the next lesson.
Follow the instructions provided in your email or on the Crypto School platform to access your course materials.
Step 5: Join the Crypto School Discord Server
To join the community and get support, join the Crypto School discord server: